Pine Grove Trail is in the south end of Ottawa on Davidson Road. It was severely hit by the derecho in 2022, with two large areas flattened and lots of others trees blown over. It is a nice flat 3.4±km walk. 
In the winter there are cross-country ski trails, summer features hordes of mosquitoes, but spring offers many ferns in fiddlehead stage. The photos below are just record shots of a few of the frems this year.

There usually isn't much other wildlife/wildflowers along the trail, but this day we found a young bull frog, a pair of black ducks and a single clump of red trilliums just past their best before date,
From a distance I thought I saw some white flowers blooming, but when I was closer I saw it was coltsfoot in seed stage
A dead pine tree had become spotted with small fungus growths
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