We arrived at the Lake just before sunrise. A few out of the ordinary scenes awaited us, along with the "usual" .
The golden glow of the early morning sun was shining on the trees

The water, when we arrived, was covered with Canada geese. Within about 30 minutes, many had noisily taken flight for the local farmer's fields.

The low sun sun was lighting the ducks and the trees reflecting in the water

A wild turkey was down by the water taking a drink and then came to visit us on the observation deck

The chickadees were certainly on the lookout for handouts

The new bridge being higher, doesn't allow for eye level photos, but it does gives overhead views,,,,

A few hooded mergansers and American wigeons were on the lake and some common mergansers were on the river in the distance

One of the grebes was busy "bobbing" for food

We spotted very few cardinals

One downy woodpecker dropped by for hand out and then checked out nearby vegetation for bugs

A white-throated sparrow and a junco actually stopped long enough for me to get a photo of each

A black squirrel wanted to let us know he was available for any handouts

One of the unusual sightings that day was a young (?) beaver down on the river. Mid morning and on the river was not a normal occurrence for a beaver. He seemed to be lost and trying to move up the river against the current which he couldn't fight. He stuck close in to shore, away from the current and at one point came within a few feet of me.

The other different sighting was a northern water snake slithering through the undergrowth up on the ridge. It was late in the year to see a snake, but it was an unusually warm day. The ridge has many excellent places for snakes to hibernate. (No video as the snake stayed still when I tried doing some filming)

While much of the fall colours were over, there were still a few spots of bright colour

The bracket fungus which had re-grown was being broken off again by visitors

Unusual design at the base of a tree

It was warm, but it didn't seem too smart to be paddle boarding in the river with no safety equipment