Whether it's the result of the construction activity, or just the time of year, but things seemed quite quiet at Mud Lake
A few adult male wood ducks are around and have regained their colourful coats. They do seem unwilling to share their food with others though

The juvenile males are starting to show some red colouring in their eyes, but have not grown the colourful feathers yet

A female mallard was kicking up a bit of a ruckus

Depending on the angle, you can see a rock that gets extensive use by the herons and egrets

A green heron and a black squirrel were keeping a close eye on each other

Despite the proliferation of available natural foods , some chickadees kept visitors trained in feeding them

A few fall wildflowers were blooming, along with a springtime flower - a dame's rocket. (scroll over for ID)



decaying aster

spiked speedwell

dame's rocket

woodland sunflower

nodding beggar-ticks,

bread and butter

water smartweed
A few winterberry shrubs were in berry stage

It's the time of the year for mushrooms, but it has been quite dry lately. However there were some mushrooms and fungus around

The Fire Department/Paramedic teams were having a practice session down on the river