Some day I will stop taking pictures of wood ducks, in the meantime....

Scroll over the picture to see description.

Juvenile male and female

Adult male and female with female and male juveniles

Adult and juvenile males
But not to leave other ducks out...
Mallard walking the plank and common mergansers relaxing by the river (likely mum and her clutch from this year).

A not very often seen green heron has been spotted occasionally lately; we were lucky to have noticed it amongst the water plants.

A great blue heron went through his morning calisthenics - a neck skritch, and a wing stretch that looked very odd face on.

One morning it seemed that Florida had come to Mud Lake with four egrets and a great blue heron fishing in the grass. The five would not co-operate and have their heads up at the same time, but I did get one shot with three egrets.

Many facets of fall are starting to appear: the colour of the trees, a few mushrooms and fungus, fall flowers including fall asters, and a pale leaved woodland sunflower with a bristle fly on it.