There were record breaking temperatures in the first week of February, which made the trail at Mud Lake extremely treacherous unless you wore crampons
A grey squirrel was making use of the new bench at the entrance to the trail to beg for a handout at passer-bys' waist height.

The trails were very quiet with a few squirrels and chickadees around. Of course the turkeys were too. The NCC managed to reduce the population to two turkeys last fall, well there are now five. One tom and four ladies. I would expect a few more toms will arrive in a few weeks for breeding season.

Male (Tom) turkey



The ducks, of course, were down on the river. Mallards in close. A lone female hooded merganser gliding by about 50-75 feet off shore, and male and female goldeneyes on the far side of the channel.

Female hooded merganser

Female hooded merganser
The goldeneyes

Three male, 2 female goldeneyes

female goldeneye

two female goldeneyes