Part of the trail that has been closed for reconstruction has now been opened, but only half of it, and now the other parts of the circular trail are closed.  So perhaps less visits until the trails re-open (next spring)?
In early December the lake had very little open water left, but by the end of the month a thin coating of ice had taken over.

A good size flock of ring-billed gulls were sitting in the middle of the lake on the edge of the ice where there was some open water. Normally only a very few gulls are around.
The mallards are still around of course, and always hoping for handouts.
At the end of the month no ducks were on Mud Lake, but they were down on the river.
The chickadees, nuthatches and cardinals were asking for handouts too.
Chickadees  moving the nuthatch along, then the reverse
Then the chickadees went after each other
Walking along the trail I could hear a woodpecker but the brush was quite dense. Then I spotted some red movement
A few squirrels were on the look-out as well, including one with a white-tipped tail.
Only one turkey, a male, was out in view during our first visit, at the end of the month he was back with 5 of his hens.
Goin' home with the boys....
One of the hens was camera shy and was off to the side
WIth no snow, a few fungus were out in full view
The ice barely thick enough to skate on, but people had been and left their chairs behind.
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