Monihan Drain in Kanata is a storm water retention "pond". It is closely surrounded by housing but it attracts water fowl and shorebirds in various numbers. The vegetation in the pond is controlled (at this point) but there is enough that it hides a good number of birds.
They've got their ducks in a row, but the Canada Geese are another issue with their young almost full grown and leaving their droppings all over the grass and sidewalks.

The morning we were there in late July a great blue heron was overlooking the pond, while an egret and green heron were fishing at the edge of the bull rushes.

A juvenile black-crowned night heron was just below a small retaining wall for an upper level retention area. A few cormorants were busy looking for breakfast.

A muskrat was patrolling the end of the pond with more vegetation. While a young rabbit was filling up on the long fresh grass.

The fall webworms were setting about their business.

Being late July there was lots of summer blooms and other vegetation in abundance. (Scroll over the photo to see ID)

Choke cherries

Brown/black-eyed susans

purple loosestrife

purple loosestrife


Purple crownvetch

Canada thistle seeding

Canada thistle seeding


Nine bark

Queen Anne's Lace
