Fletcher Wildlife Garden. Wood poppies, and pickerel weed

Private Garden
Not strictly nature as it is a domesticated plant - potato plant flowers

Mer Bleue "Snowman Trail" - P20 Anderson Road
Female hairy woodpecker, round-leaf wintergreen (or wild lily-of-the-valley) and hare's foot inkcap mushroom

Fitzroy Provincial Park
Backlit rough horsetail (a scouring rush), waterfall, water snakes

Solera Circle has been the home to rabbits (amongst others) for many years. This summer there have been two cotton-tail rabbits out and about a lot

Agriculture fields east of Bourget - Lake Cobb Creek
There is no Lake Cobb on any map I have seen, but there is a large flood plain that looks like a lake in the spring. After the recent rains, the lake seemed to be back. The Prescott-Russell Rail Trail goes through the area, a bit north of the "lake" - many fields were under water, or damaged by run-off. At least one drain seemed to be blocked.