The Mer Bleue trails on Anderson Road (I call them the "snowman" trails because of their configuration) are showing the same strong vegetation growth as other areas with the damp summer we have been having. The dampness has brought out mushrooms in many areas, including Mer Bleue
The hare's foot inkcap mushrooms that grow in several spots on the trail in wood chips had sprouted. Most of the caps had already inverted. These mushrooms appear in the early morning and are gone shortly after noon hour
A colourful collection of 'shrooms along the trail
Two different types of fungus were growing on tree stumps
The turkey tail fungus was looking quite fresh
A miniature puffball maybe?
Often mistaken for a mushroom, Indian pipes are a perennial flower. They seemed to have bloomed early this year.  Only one stem was fresh in this bunch. All the neighbouring plants were much more "aged" than this.
I found this pocket of Indian pipes last year and they returned. Likely 25-30 groupings in a 10-15 yard stretch of trail
I don't recall having seen them go black before. I'm used to seeing them got a uniform brown colour. One group were "hiding" under a fern
An ever-lasting pea, a plant easily recognizable as a flowering plant
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