The Fletcher WIldlife Garden is a project of the Ottawa Field Naturalists run by volunteers. There is  a formal garden area, trails through the woods and fields, and wild flowers.
The area has been badly invaded by dog strangling vine which is a notorious invasive plant that grows quickly anywhere it gets a chance. The volunteers have done a great job of removing it, but there are still some areas affected. The vine is aggressive and has tiny flowers
A good number of summer wildflowers were blooming. Scroll over for ID
Touch-me-not (Impatiens)
Touch-me-not (Impatiens)
evening primrose
evening primrose
evening primrose
evening primrose
woodland sunflower
woodland sunflower
woodland sunflower
woodland sunflower
joe pye weed
joe pye weed
wild bergamot
wild bergamot
A few flowers from the formal garden
blazing star
blazing star
cardinal flower
cardinal flower
Cardinal flower are also in the hummingbird garden. A ruby-throated hummer made a brief appearance.
A female downy woodpecker was enjoying the peanut feeder
A cotton-tailed rabbit and a chipmunk in a tree provided the four footed wildlife contribution
A few plants had reached their berry producing stage. Scroll over for ID
purple flowering raspberry
purple flowering raspberry
false solomon seal
false solomon seal
There were several swarms of Japanese beetles on the wild primroses
A rust infection was making red spots over the leaves on a serviceberry tree
The entire area has taking on an overgrown feeling with all the rain we have had. The damp forest floor was offering up a few mushrooms
Adjacent to Fletcher is Canadensis "The Garden of Canada". There have been signs announcing it for several years. At this point it amounts to a very few sculptures and one small garden. Beyond that there are fields of wild flowers and long grass with a few paths cut through..
Canada thistle having gone to seed
Canada thistle having gone to seed
sow thistle
sow thistle
sow thistle seed head
sow thistle seed head
milkweed seed pods
milkweed seed pods
unidentified variety of dock
unidentified variety of dock
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