I had a much abbreviated 15 minute walk on Turtle Trail at the Ferguson Forest Centre in Kemptville. Not only was it cut short, but I only had my cell phone that produces overly sharp images of close-up nature subjects. The depth of field is different as well compared to my "real" camera. So the photos here may seem slightly "different". (Yes my cell phone does shoot raw, but that takes extra time to set up each shot, so I would have taken fewer images. The raw photos also look different than those from my real camera.)
There were a few wildflowers in bloom
Each of the evening primrose stems had one fully out bloom and second in less than prime condition. 
The prickly cucumber blooms reminded me of my younger days...  
We played in an unkempt forest (that is now manicured grass ) by the river. In the late summer we had wild cucumber fights. Likely not the smartest thing to have done as the spikes/prickles could have done real damage had anyone been hit in the eye.
Scroll over for ID of other wildflowers
Joe pye weed
Joe pye weed
Golden rod
Golden rod
Not in bloom but in seed or berry stage (Scroll over for ID)
False solomon seal
False solomon seal
False solomon seal
False solomon seal
Virgin's bower (clematis)
Virgin's bower (clematis)
Tall blue lettuce was a new one to me. It certainly lived up to its name in height as it towered over me. But The lettuce part was a stretch. Without depth of field control the gone-to-seed flowers get lost. The second somewhat closer shot might (not) help.
I discovered last year that most Queen Anne's Lace "seed forming balls" have a tiny caterpillar in them. They are the caterpillar of the carrot-seed moth. Called that likely because in some other countries the plant is known as wild carrot. 
This one seemed to have two caterpillars in it: 1) centre and 2) slightly above to left of centre.
And yes, I couldn't pass by some of the mushrooms....
With moisture  and shade, moss was growing on a boardwalk handrail
There is a mature tall pine tree with a very large burl in it.
(I didn't get much past the tree before my walk was cut short)
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