In the Mer Bleue "Walk in the Woods"  PhotoStory of a week ago,  I posted a picture of a strange looking (to me) mushroom. As a result of a subsequent visit to the same location, I now know more about them.
They are called Hare's Foot Inkcap. They only last a few hours.
They start out looking like an elongated cap on their stem. There is no "skin" but seemed to be covered with threads.
They then grow quickly (this one was about 8" tall) and their cap inverts (Like taking off a t-shirt I guess😊)
The "threads in the original cap can be seen in the top mushroom.
They start falling apart from the cup stage or flatten out first as per the above photo.

At the base of these two, and in the photo above,  new mushroom caps are emerging.
They grow in the wood chips alongside the trail.  My first visit, a week ago, was to find these after being told about them. They were seen at 8:30am (as were the ones today) but were no where to be seen by 2pm.
They don't stand out in the photos, there were  many dozens of them growing in several places.
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