There are two extensive feeding "stations" in the NCC Mer Bleue Sector maintained by Dymoon who arrives daily with her well stocked car. The birds featured here were at the Dewberry Trail

There was one bird in particular that has been attracting a lot of attention - a female red-bellied woodpecker. Ottawa is north of their normal range which barely reaches across Lake Ontario. There has only been a single report of one other red-bellied in Ottawa recently.

But she isn't the only woodpecker at the feeders....
Male and female hairy woodpeckers.

Male and female downy woodpecker (and bonus chickadee)

The blue jays were very active and vocal.

A few evening grosbeaks showed up. Male on left, female on right.

Lots of chickadees

Goldfinch, tree sparrows and nuthatches in lower numbers were looking for a good meal.

Mourning doves showed up, as did a male grackle who should have gone south by now.

The usual red and black squirrels were benefiting, plus a field mouse was working on the dropped seeds .

And overseeing this at times was a merlin looking for a healthy meal.