Crows are loud and considered obnoxious birds that travel in flocks called "a murder". But they do fulfil a role as scavengers of roadkill and food waste. (Albeit making a mess around non-secure garbage bins.)
There is an area not far from home that the crows frequent. There is unfortunately an ample supply of unsecured garbage as well as leftovers from feeding the ducks in a nearby pond.

They can have a very piercing stare.

The black crows are joined by black squirrels, and mallard ducks (that hurry towards anyone who stops and looks at them, even if only with a camera in their hands).

One of the crows looked like it had positioned itself under another crow which was relieving itself. One crow just serenely watched the goings on around it.

When crows blink, as they seem to do frequently, they do so with their pearl coloured protective eye covering (nictitating membrane). In this case the blink was half over.