Having bought a very inexpensive annual pass to 5 Montreal civic museums, we made the most of our May 10/11, 2022 visit.
There was nothing particularly new at the Biodome, but we still spent about two and half hours there.

Golden lion tamarin showing off it's teeth.....

.....and "smile".

Blood sea star


Grape eating fish


Common murre

black guillemot

The raccoons were having an extended play fight.... (more in the video below)
The Insectarium has a brand new facility so we were happy to be able to visit.
They have a small collection of live, foreign insects.

Walking leaf from Indonesia

Orchid mantis from SE Asia
There is an extensive collection of (winged) insects mounted in shadow boxes.

Including a startling collection of coleoptera. A.K.A beetles with front wings inside a hardened shell.

Butterflies (and moths) fly free in the atrium.

Madagascan Moon Moth

Blue Morpho

Blue Morpho
The leaf cutter ant display is very clever.

The Planetarium has a small collection of Lego space themed models.

The Botanical Gardens had lots of spring colour.

Skunk cabbage



Haller's pasque flower,



