A brief walk in my favourites woods produced some fungus and mushrooms.
One tree that is about 150 years old (or more) had a group of "shelf" fungus/mushroom and two small mushrooms growing on it. I think this is the first year this tree has had any fungal growth on it.
One tree had some very large mushrooms on it.
Turkey tail fungus covered a large section of a fallen tree
I found a nice fresh shaggy mane mushroom, they become a black "icky" mess quite quickly.
Coral and an unidentified mushroom...
An unusual looking mushroom was sticking out from under a log
Some walnut trees were dropping their pods, one tree was very prolific
While it is getting late in the year, some flowers were still in bloom. A heal-all and spotted knapweed and of course some fall asters
The leaves on a a nightshade vine had turned purple
A millipede was resting its many legs on a stump
The woods over the years have been damaged by ice storms, tornados, derechos, and now all the beech trees have been infected by Beech Bark Disease, those that aren't already dead, will be dead shortly.
Many of the beech trees are over 100 years old. The one below was at least 104, others I counted were over 120 years old