A nice day to get out for a walk in the woods. There had been a fresh fall of snow over the ice encrusted snow making it easier to walk. Fresh snow covered stumps, fallen tree trunks and on tree branches

Animal tracks were in ample supply. (Scroll over for ID)

Squirrel hopping through the deep snow

Squirrel running along shallow snow on a packed trail

Possible fisher

Mouse (?)
One tree (well perhaps two) I have always stopped to look at whenever I walk that part of the trail. Two pines that had a join between them. The pine on the left died and provided lots of food for the woodpeckers.

Fresh "sawdust" on the snow meant that woodpeckers had been at work. Likely pileated woodpeckers.

On the same tree it was interesting to see the remains of a clump of fungus that was till on the tree from two summers ago.

Another dead trunk had had a different fungus still on it from last summer

Some of last year's moss was on a dead tree branch

Talking about woodpeckers, two pileated were hard at work on an old larch tree and a hairy was working a dead maple. There were several more woodpeckers pounding away in the woods.

A few stems of last year fall asters were bend over above the snow

Beech leaves, as usual, were hanging on still