It was a nice morning so we set off to visit a few nature areas in the city.
First spot was the stormwater retention ponds on Colonnade to look for green herons. No green herons showed themselves, but there was a nice reflection of a maple tree and a few mallard ducks. There was a beaver as well, but it was well off in the distance
There were a few blossoms still out. Burdock and alyssum
From there it was off to Mud Lake, where it was quite quiet
The fall colours were muted
The clouds were a little unusual
The beaver lodge didn't seem to have a larder started for the winter, so perhaps the beavers have built a new lodge elsewhere
The fungus that I have been watching wre still doing well, although one or two of them have been pulled off by "curious" visitors
Three wood ducks were down on the river
A chickadee appreciated a handout, and juncos were looking for seeds. Meanwhile, a great blue heron tried having a sleep in
A somewhat shaky video of the Great Blue Heron
Andrew Haydon Park was next to look for some owls, of which we didn't find any.... (see end of story)
Canada Geese were all over the area, in the River, in the ponds, in the air, but one was in a secluded spot resting
Milkweed pods were ready to split open, or already had
A wooly bear caterpillar scrambled by indicating a mild start to winter but a harsh ending
Then it was off to Hilda Road to see if the reported foxes were around. No luck, but we settled for white crowned sparrows and blue jays
We didn't find the owls that day, but we went back to Andrew Haydon a few days later and found one of the two. A red morph screech owl, not in the most photogenic position, but I'll take what I can get. I've seen other photos of this owl and a companion (grey) screech owl sitting side by side with their eyes open. Well at least my shot has the eyes open...